Trusted source for all types of electrical Control panels and solutions across all the segments since 1986.

Electrical Audit


Balaji Electrical Controls is adept at conducting electrical audits for large electrical infrastructure, especially for manufacturing industries, large public infrastructure, large campuses, Commercial complexes, and residential complexes.

These audits are critical when the consumption of power is huge and requires professional expertise to audit and analyse power consumption.

Balaji Electrol Controls adopts a three-pronged approach in auditing; Measure, Detect and Control.

Post the detailed survey and audit, Balaji Electro Controls provides a comprehensive report to enable the industry to conserve and optimise the consumption of energy. If necessary, Balaji Electro Controls will enhance the infrastructure to meet the demands and compliance.

Electrical Audit focus areas :

  • Reduction of energy consumption
  • Reduction of energy losses
  • Performance optimisation - enhance efficiency
  • Compliance for safety - analyse and mitigate risks, if any

If you wish to enquire or avail Balaji Electro Controls professional Electrical Audit Services, click here.
or call +91-9341248803 / +91-9611102850

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