Trusted source for all types of electrical Control panels and solutions across all the segments since 1986.

Design Lab


At the core of the business is the dedicated design lab of Balaji Electro Controls, primed by highly qualified and experienced professionals with a track record of designing advanced LT & HT electrical control panels for varied applications as per IEC compliance.

Professionals at the design lab gather the detailed requirements from the clients, thoroughly analyse the same and then work out a draft plan to help clients understand the big picture.

Electrical services are the backbone of any industry and require attention to details on all fronts, including scoping the power consumption, efficiency, losses, safety, compliance, cost factors, etc., before working on the design.

Balaji Electro Controls works on both options, either the client provides the design or the team at BEC provides the design based on the requirement. Customisation is one of the hallmarks of BEC’s design services, where bespoke LT & HT Electrical Control Panels are designed to suit the unique nature of the project.

If you wish to enquire or avail of the design services of Balaji Electro Controls, click on this link
or call +91-9341248803 / +91-9611102850

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